Auglýst eftir umsóknum fyrir gestavinnustofudvöl 2017

Gestavinnustofum Skaftfells er ætlað að stuðla að samfélagi listamanna og heimamanna, veita listamönnum rými til vaxtar og sköpunar í litlu samfélagi með óteljandi möguleikum og búa í haginn fyrir skapandi samræður milli listarinnar og hversdagsins.

Gestavinnustofurnar eru fyrst og fremst fyrir myndlistarmenn, en umsóknir frá listamönnum sem vinna á milli miðla eða í faggreinum er tengjast myndlist verða teknar til greina. Umsóknir frá hópum og fjölskyldum eru einnig vel séðar.

Þátttakendur stýra sjálfir sínu sköpunar- eða rannsóknarferli með stuðningi og ráðgjöf frá starfsfólki Skaftfells. Þátttakendum er velkomið að taka þátt í fræðslustarfi Skaftfells, með listamannaspjalli, kynningum eða listsmiðjum fyrir nemendur Seyðisfjarðarskóla eða íbúa.

Dvalartími er frá einum upp í sex mánuði, en mælst er til að listamenn dvelji í um tvo mánuði. Norrænir og Baltneskir listamenn geta sótt um tveggja mánaða gestavinnustofu með styrk. Ítarlegri upplýsingar má lesa, á ensku, hér fyrir neðan.

Application process

The call for applications for the Skaftfell Residency Program 2017 is open from the beginning of June until 1st September 2016. Applications arriving after the deadline unfortunately cannot be considered.

Please submit your application via the online application form

[button link=“″ size=“small“ color=“green“]Application form[/button]

Applications must contain the following documents in pdf format:

  • Portfolio of 5-10 images with short descriptions of your recent work (please add title, year, size, material and mention if group work)
  • CV, max. 2 pages
  • Project description, or a description of your intentions for and expectations of a residency at Skaftfell.

Only complete applications including the required documents will be reviewed.

The applications will be evaluated by a panel of arts professionals, appointed by Skaftfell, and applicants will be informed of the outcome by the end of November.

Evaluation criteria:

  • artistic quality and innovation of the applicant’s practice,
  • the applicant’s ability to work independently on a professional level,
  • evidence that the applicant is at a critical juncture in his/her development as an artist that will be advanced by the residency,
  • evidence that a specific project or practice is especially relevant for a residency at Skaftfell.

Residency types

Applicants have the possibility to choose between a Private Residency (sole use of the apartment) and a Shared Residency (private bedroom, sharing studio/kitchen/bathroom with 1 other artist). Group Residency applications are welcome and will be accommodated according to the size of group (up to 5) in a private house or flat with a number of private or shared bedrooms.

The residency apartments are located in three separate houses in the town of Seyðisfjörður, all within a short walking distance to Skaftfell’s main building and to each other. All residency apartments/houses have two bedrooms, a bathroom with shower, a fully equipped kitchen, a living room area with studio/workspace, worktables, washing machine, and WiFi.

Private Residency

Accommodation in private house or apartment with studio/living space. Overnight guests and family members welcome.

Duration of residency: 1-6 months

Price per month 90.000 ISK (Mar-Oct) / 80.000 ISK (Nov-Feb)

Shared Residency

Accommodation in single private room with shared studio/living space, kitchen and bathroom. This type of residency does not have the capacity to accommodate family members/partners and overnight guests.

Duration of residency: 1-6 months

Price per month 65.000 ISK

Group Residency

Accommodation suited for groups of 3-5 persons in a private house or apartment with a number of single and shared bedrooms, and shared kitchen, bathroom, and studio space.

Duration of residency: 1-6 months

Price per month for the group 120.000 ISK


KKN-logoApplicants based in the Nordic and Baltic countries (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia) are eligible to apply for a two month residency grant through Skaftfell with support from the Nordic Culture Point, Nordic-Baltic Mobility programme. For more information click here.

For further information contact: