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Lokaáfanginn í Climbing Invisible Structures

Lokaáfanginn í verkefninu Climbing Invisible Structures er sýning sem opnar 10. febrúar í Akershus Kunstsenter. Listamenn í verkefninu eru Berglind Jóna Hlynsdóttir og Gunnhildur Hauksdóttir ásamt Mo Abd-Ulla, Eglė Budvytytė, Tanya Busse, Victoria Durnak, Saulius Leonavičius & Vida Strasevičiūtė, Robertas Narkus, Augustas Serapinas, Kristin Tårnesvik. Sýningarstjórar eru Samir M’kadmi og Eglė Mikalajūnė. Verkefnið er skipulagt af Nida Art Colony of Vilnius Academy of Arts (NAC) (Litháen), í samstarfi við Office for Contemporary Art Norway, Nordic Artists’ Centre Dale (Noregi),  Skaftfell – myndlistarmiðstöð Austurlands (Ísland) og Ars Communis Residency Centre YO-YO (Litháen) og fjármagnað með styrk frá European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 og NAC. Nánar um sýninguna The expression Climbing Invisible […]

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Printing Matter, þematengd gestavinnustofa

Alþjóðlega tveggja vikna prentnámskeið fyrir listamenn með áherslu á bókverk undir handleiðslu Åse Eg Jørgensen og í samstarfi við Tækniminjasafn Austurlands. The aim is to create a platform for exchange, discussion, and collaboration amongst fellow artists from various disciplines, who share a professional interest in the topic, both on a practical and a conceptual level, and who wish to deepen their knowledge and expertise. The program includes group workshops, independent research and practice and an informal final presentation in Skaftfell’s project space. Working facilities and printmaking equipment will be made available through a collaboration with the Technical Museum of East […]

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