Myndbandsverkið „The Shades of Blue“ eftir Mariko Takahashi verður sýnt laugardaginn 5. janúar í Bókabúðinni – verkefnarými, frá kl. 16-20. „I am interested in the sense of being out of reality, such as numbness, dream or euphoria. Often with the use of visual (moving image, light) and audio in a specific space, I aim to reach these states. In order to do so, I need to know what I want to escape from. I need to know about reality and how I recognize something as real. Being in Seyðisfjörður meant that I was in the another phase of my nomadic […]
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Opin vinnustofa
Svissnesku listamennirnir Livia Salome Gnos og Stephan Perrinjaquet hafa dvalið í gestavinnstofu Skaftfells frá því í desember. Þau ljúka dvöl sinni með því að opna vinnustofuna fyrir gestum laugardaginn, 5. desember, frá kl. 17-20. „Stephan aka Dollar Mambo works in Seydisfjordur on a new album project. He’s using acoustic sounds and electronics. During this one month residency, he used audio material recorded in Tvsongur installation, and do collaborate with the people and artists living here in Seydisfjordur. Singing, percussions, and saxophone… Livia: „It’s an evidence that my visual work belongs to what we can see. But how to define the borders between reality […]