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When I Visit Homes

Þýska listakonan Uta Pütz sýnir verk í anddyri Herðubreiðs föstudaginn 28. apríl kl. 18:00. Verkin hafa verið í þróun síðustu tvo mánuði meðan Uta dvaldi sem gestalistamaður á Seyðisfirði. Uta Pütz was born 1969 in Aachen, Germany. She graduated with a diploma in Visual Art from the State Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe in 2011 and was master student of Prof. Meuser at State Academy of Fine Art, Karlsruhe, in 2012. Her practice is mainly based on sculpture and photography. Uta is interested in the point of intersection between surface and space, absence and emptiness and the lack of information. […]

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Opin vinnustofa og listamannaspjall

It has been only a month in this total white. I started to produce some drawings and paper sculptures reflecting my state of mind being in this place where my vision is always shivering due to the excessive brightness. They are about the traces, about what is under the snow and the fragility that emerges above this all. Tzu Ting Wang Verið velkomin miðvikudaginn 29. mars í opna vinnustofu hjá tævönsku listakonnunni Tzu Ting Wang og stutt listamannaspjall hjá dönsku listakonunni Hönnuh Anbert, sem er nýkomin til Seyðisfjarðar. Viðburðinn hefst kl. 16:30 og fer fram á ensku, í Skaftfelli 3. […]

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