Articles by: Skaftfell Residency

Artist Talk: Lucia Gašparovičová, Tóta Kolbeinsdóttir and Salka Rósinkranz

Artist Talk: Lucia Gašparovičová, Tóta Kolbeinsdóttir and Salka Rósinkranz

Wednesday, February 1, 17:00-18:00, Skaftfell, 3rd floor Skaftfell invites you to an artist talk with current residency artists Lucia Gašparovičová, Tóta Kolbeinsdóttir and Salka Rósinkranz: Lucia Gašparovičová is a Slovakian visual artist based in Bratislava, where she studied at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, completing her doctoral studies in 2019. Working with objects, photographic images, author’s books, site-specific installations, she focuses on the study and recording of environments and phenomena related to the perception of everyday life. In her work, she tries to programmatically draw attention to and visualize phenomena that are, so to speak, “invisible” and thus ignored. To […]

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The Nordic Alliance of Artists’ Residencies on Climate Action (NAARCA) announces the launch of its new podcast TESTING GROUNDS  The introductory episode will be released on Friday, January 27, 2023.  As the climate crisis accelerates, how can artists’ residencies be testing grounds for new – and better – ways of living and working? A new, 8-part podcast series brings together artists, researchers and activists from across the Nordic region and Scotland to explore this question. Presented by the Nordic Alliance of Artists’ Residencies on Climate Action (NAARCA), each episode in the series looks at the crisis through the lens of one […]

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