Articles by: Skaftfell Residency

A place to be – Gudrun Westerlund

A place to be – Gudrun Westerlund

Current artist in residence Gudrun Westerlund (SE) introduces her latest work through a pop-up exhibition and video artist talk, set in Skaftfell’s gallery, which is closed at the moment due to COVID-19. The video has been posted on Skaftfell’s Instagram and Facebook pages: Gudrun Westerlund is an artist based in Uppsala, Sweden. She is most of all a painter, but also works with land-art and other art-projects. Gudrun mixes abstraction with more figurative and narrative expression. In Iceland, she has worked with ink and watercolour, and has ventured into land-art using snow and ice. Gudrun has a deep interest in nature […]

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Quarantine Drawings

Quarantine Drawings

Throughout the history of Skaftfell visitors to the bistro have been invited to record their thoughts and ideas through drawings, paintings and writings on stacks of A4 paper. Once a year all these “bistro drawings” are collected and bound into a book.  As we are in an unusual moment of isolation and restricted movement, Skaftfell invites you to create with us a collective book of “quarantine drawings”. We would like to assemble a record of your thoughts, feelings, and creative responses during this time of uncertainty, and invite you to express these on a sheet of A4 paper and submit them […]

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