Skaftfell Art Center’s educational program The Young Arctic Creatures Workshop will be part of the pedagogy toolkit that will be published and made publicly available in Spring, 2024, by NAARCA, the Nordic Alliance of Artists’ Residencies on Climate Action. On 3 May 2023, young people aged 9-16 from East Iceland took part in a creative storytelling workshop using found objects, performance, and photography under the guidance and mentorship of The Arctic Creatures (a collaborative group of three artists – visual artist Hrafnkel Sigurðsson, filmmaker and director Óskar Jónasson and actor and director Stefán Jónsson), as well as photographer Jessica Auer, and actress-puppeteer Tess […]
Articles by: Pari Stave
Residency news: Welcoming new artist in residence Karen Stentaford
Skaftfell welcomes visiting artist Karen Stentaford in a residency co-sponsored by Skaftfell and Ströndin Studio. Karen is an artist and educator from Atlantic Canada, based within the greater territory of Mi’kma’ki. A specialist in large format photography and wet plate technique, Karen works in a variety of photographic-based media, exploring notions of place, belonging, and memory in her work. At Ströndin, Karen will be leading a 2.5-day workshop in collodion tintypes under the title “The Original Instant.” The workshop coincides with the annual World Wet Plate Day, on May 7. For more information on the workshop, see @strondinstudio. Karen received an […]