Opening: June 17, 2019, Skaftfell galleryOpen from 17 June – 1 September, 2019 The exhibition Cheryl Donegan & Dieter Roth considers Dieter Roth as an artist and publisher of books alongside the printed textiles and paintings of New York-based artist Cheryl Donegan. Roth developed the use of the book as a total art form. His book works were initially often formal and geometric in nature, however, latterly they became more diaristic and he would use more found and repurposed images from his own work and other publications such as comics, newspapers and advertising. This exhibition will trace the innovative uses that […]
Articles by: Pari Stave
Dieter Roth, Húsin á Seyðisfirði, vetur 1988 – sumar 1995
Opening 17 June, 17:00-19:00. Angró, Hafnargata, Seyðisförður18.06 – 01.09. 2019Exhibition open Friday – Sunday 12:00-18:00 Skaftfell with Tækniminjasafns Austurlands and the Dieter Roth Estate will collaborate to re-stage the installation Húsin á Seyðisfirði, vetur 1988 – sumar 1995 at Angró, Seyðisfjörður, the building where the work was first shown in 1995. Dieter Roth has an extensive history with Seyðisfjörður having lived and made work in town for a number of years during the 1990s and his family retains his form home and studio in town. The installation consists of over 800 slides of photographs of every house and building in […]