Thursday March 21, 19:00 – 22:00, Herðubreið café/gallery Sidsel Carré (DK) will show new paintings and works in progress, which have been developing during her residency at Skaftfell in February and March. The café will be open, and everyone is welcome. About the artist: Sidsel Carré (DK) studied painting at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts and graduated in 2015. During her residency at Skaftfell Sidsel has been working on a new series of paintings, using watercolour on paper. Thematically the series deals with tensions of the immaterial, the porosity of fact and fiction, and the process which collects […]
Articles by: Pari Stave
Artist talk by Marta Hryniuk & WET screening
Thursday, March 21, 20:00 – 22:00, Herðubreið cinema The program is organised by Marta Hryniuk, current artist in residence at Skaftfell, in collaboration with WET– a Rotterdam-based cooperative for video and film (Anna Łuczak, Erika Roux, Marta Hryniuk, Nick Thomas and Sophie Bates). 20:00 – 20:45 Artist talk Marta Hryniuk (PL) will introduce her new video work ‘Camerawoman’ (in progress), which draws on her family’s 8mm film archive, shot by the artist’s great aunt Maria Jastrzębska in the 1950s and ’60s. The reels are records of daily life in socialist-era Poland, showing family celebrations, travels, as well as a document […]