Skaftfell’s artist in residence Anna Vaivare has been teaching a comics drawing workshop for children from 10-14 years old. The workshop was co-organized with Signý Jónsdóttir from Seyðisfjarðarskóli’s after school program and took place on May 10, 2021. The children learned to develop a story line, invent characters, draw their story and present it to their classmates, and they participated with great enthusiasm! Anna Vaivare is an artist from Latvia mostly working in illustration and other graphic forms of transmitting stories and experiences. She started her professional career as an architect after graduating from Riga Technical University Faculty of Architecture […]
Anna Vaivare – Swimming Pool
May 7 – June 5, 2021, Seyðisfjörður Swimming Pool Open for swimming pool guests during the regular opening hours. “Swimming pool” is an exhibition of drawings from Anna’s book of the same title. The book was first published in June 2014 (third edition: May 2019) in Latvia by comic art anthology “Kuš!” in the series of “Mini kuš!”. It is a story about a worker at the swimming pool who enjoys observing people while keeping herself almost invisible doing her work. When you least expect it, she herself plunges into the water and unveils her special secret. The book is available […]