Past exhibitions and events


Sequences VI – Off Venue Saturday April 13, at 18:00-21:00 The Norðurgata residency In a three hour performative installation for Sequences, Andrius Mulokas will be proposing ways to push and support the dynamic potential of perception to create an expanded reality that can leak into one´s daily routine. By reframing fragments of reality from daily life in Seydisfjordur, he will be proposing drastically different approaches to the environment. The experience of reality is undergoing massive experimentation in everyday life. Time and space morph in the virtual that is a new actual. By tossing the middle point, Andrius goes for the over-live/dormant […]

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Sequences VI – Off Venue Saturday April 13,  17.00-19.00 The Bookshop – projectspace In keeping with Sequences’s theme, Joey Syta presents “About”, a work that focuses on how time and experience have shaped his artistic identity for Sequences off venue programming at Skaftfell – the Bookshop-projectspace. Syta believes that actively experiencing art is a necessary component of his practice, directly informing and subconsciously shaping his output.For approximately five years running he has collected press releases from exhibitions and compiles one key sentence from each to form his own on-going chronological artist profile. “About” is an audio installation that includes a […]

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