Past exhibitions and events

Zeus Tears and a seance performance

Zeus Tears and a seance performance

Linda Persson is a Swedish artist / filmmaker and a returning Artist-in-Residence at Skaftfell. Throughout my practice language has played a central role. What interests me in language is its ability to fail meaning. I use dead, peripheral and code languages to excavate meaning. Its like an archaeological dig in a search for a forgotten empire. For the event Thursday Nov 26, starting at 20.00, Linda has invited Pip Stafford who is a Tasmanian media artist and producer based in Hobart. Her work is primarily concerned with networks and communications, rituals and patterns, radio and feminist methodologies. We will combine […]

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The Kitchen Sink Revolution in Herdubreid Cinema

The Kitchen Sink Revolution in Herdubreid Cinema

The Kitchen Sink Revolution is a documentary film chronicling the effect of the womens party that ran for office in 1982 on women in politics in Iceland. After the colourful grassroots radicalism and awakening of the seventies the so-called New Womens Movement (or Second Wave Feminism) took on different routes throughout the Nordic countries. In the Scandinavian countries some feminists chose to stay with the grassroots, other entered already present political parties or establishments and yet others fought in the universities to create gender theory. In Iceland women decided to take the bull by its political-horns and launched the political […]

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