The concert will be held at “Heima”, Austurvegur 15, and starts at 15.00. The musician Prins Póló will this coming Saturday perform a solo concert in Seyðisfjörður. This is the last event in connection with the ongoing exhibition at Skaftfell Rà Ràthat runs though September. The two person band Létt á bárunni originally was scheduled to perform but sadly they had to cancel. The Prins will take their place and perhaps play a few song from the glory days of the band Létt á bárunni. Both bands were formed in Seyðisfjörður in the winter of 2009 when the members, Svavar Pétur Eysteinsson and Berglind Häsler, resided in the […]
Past program
The Residency Program is now open for applications for 2015
Program Outline The aim of Skaftfell´s residency program is manifold: to create and nurture an environment for inspiration; to encourage artists to experience life and work in a unique micro-community where creativity is applied to the everyday; to foster a sense of community between artists and the public in the setting of rural East-Iceland; to facilitate circumstances for artists to experience, reflect and explore new means of their practice and, to provide conditions that stimulate the dialogue between art and life. The program is aimed at professional visual artists, but those working across fields, or within an interdisciplinary practice are […]