Past program

Heiða and Berglind: mom’s and sons

The musicians Heiða Eiríks and Berglind Ágústsdóttir will go on a small tour around the country, beginning of June. They both play original music, that can be categorized as experimental, alternative popmusic, but they approach it in different ways. Heiða uses only a folk-guitar and her voice and plays slow, melting folk-music, whereas Berglind uses a computer and a mic and plays experimental party-electro. They decided to travel around Iceland for one week and take their sons, 11 and 13, along with them. They also bring music in cassettes and cd’s that they intend to promote and sell. Berlind and […]

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Record your Memory at the Bookshop

Tuesday – Wednesday, May 28-29 The Bookshop is open from 10.00-17.00 Current Artists-in-Residence Ásdís Sif Gunnarsdóttir (IS), Manfred Hubmann (AT), and Yann Leguay (F) will host a mutual two-day exhibition at the Bookshop – Projectspace. The last hour of the exhibition – from 16.00 to 17.00 on Wednesday, the artists will all be present for a mini-finissage and light refreshments. Yann Leguay: The sailing stone During the early decades of 2000, a common stone from the Seydifjordur’s mountains side has disappeared during a bit more than a week. The story says that it has travelled more than 6000 km over […]

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