Saturday November 24 16.00 Skaftfell Bistró British philosopher Liam Sproud will talk about his newly published book Nuclear Futurism. The talk will touch upon literature and philosophy. Starting from the end of history, the end of art and the failure of the future set out by such ends, Nuclear Futurism reinvigorates art, literature and philosophy through the unlikely alliance of hauntology and the Italian futurists. Tracing the paradoxes of the possibilities of total nuclear destruction reveals the terminal condition of culture in the time of ends, where the logic of the apocalyptic without apocalypse holds sway. These paradoxes also open the […]
Past program
Found Colors
West Wall Gallery 15.-29. Nov 2012 Skaftfell art class 7.-8. class Seyðisfjörður school: Chinsujee, Emil, Héðinn, Magnus, Jón, Stefán, Sveinn The art class show recent works – color pigments on paper extracted from different locally found material as stones, plants, bones etc. Shapes formed and defines as natural accouring disturbances of a circular dot.