Past program

Documentation of the summer program

Vertíð Visual art/music/performing art’s Auxpan Ásdís Sif Gunnarsdóttir Carl Boutard Claudia Hausfeld Barbara Amelia S. Tomsen Ragnar Kjartansson Ráðhildur Ingadóttir Enter the Mayhemisphere (nafnalisti ekki kominn) Félagsskapur Fjallkonunnar Helgi Örn Pétursson Igor Kłaczyński Katla Stefánsdóttir Konrad Korabiewski Krzysztof Kaczmarek Litten Łukasz Jastrubczak Małgorzata Mazur Maria Dabow Nina Frgic Unnar Örn 17 júní/June – 1 ágúst/August Seyðisfjörður Ráðhildur Ingadóttir Baðstofa / rythmar Angró, Hafnargötu 37 Sýning og uppákomur / exhibition and events Þegar við vöknum að morgni erum við stödd á öðrum stað í tíma og rými en við vorum þegar við sofnuðum kvöldið áður. Jörðin hefur snúist um öxul sinn […]

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We are Between You and Me & Shorties for Humans

13 August Seyðisfjörður, Skaftfell @16:00 Barbara Amalie Skovmand Thomsen We are Between You and Me You are the point of departure. Weather as dynamics in landscapes, and human beings. Emotions. People in love can shift 180 degrees. That is a fact. Where two are one and comfortable with the close presence of the other. Energy is the concept above and below. Like love songs last longer. There is a certain quest for togetherness. A search for an accurate contact in our relations to each other and the world within and around us. Looking for purity in a mixed world. Sometimes […]

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