Bragi Ólafsson Sigrún Pálsdóttir Kristín Steinsdóttir Ævar Örn Jósepsson Elísabet Brynhildardóttir/Anna Ingólfsdóttir
Past program
Magone arkovska exhibits at the Bookshop – projectspace
Magone Âarkovska 09.12.10 – 31.12.10 The bookshop – projectspace Hotel Aldan – second floor Vintage shop Magone Âarkovska is born in Latvia in 1985. She has been an artist in residence at Skaftfell’s Iron House since the 1st November. Magone Âarkovska is a painter, she works in traditional oil painting but the subject of her work is not at all traditional – details from her environment that normally would not receive much attention get an almost glorified status in her paintings. what, why and how I work: Normal everyday things that are around me: We, humans are slaves of our […]