The West Wall gallery 08.10. – 07.11.10
Past program
Artist talk #2 and new exhibitions
Artist’s talk and new exhibitions at Skaftfell Friday October 8th at 17:00 Artists in residence at Skaftell and Skriðuklaustur Ute Kledt & Honey Biba Beckerlee give an artist’s talk and show their work At the same time the artists Ute Kledt and Lina Jaros open new exhibitons, Pappies at the West Wall gallery and Beyond the Walls the Bookshop – Projectspace. Ute Kledt, b. 1963 in Germany. Design studies at the university of applied arts in Konstanz, Germany. From 1994 she works as an designer, painter and fotographer. Apprenticeship in painting and illustration, for example SOAK Salzburg, (Zygmunt Januszewski / […]