Past program

Islandia en Islandia

August 19.-22. 2015 at the Bookshop – projectspace Islandia en Islandia aims to activate an interaction with local artists, activating a Meta-Residency dialogue: Local artists will be invited into a temporary studio space at the Bookshop – projectspace and or a satellite spot at Tvísöngur for two hours to test a current research or a new one specifically made for this situation. Via these public actions, interactions or on site artistic research situations the host and artist Miguel Guzman Pastor and collaborator Carmen Soriano attempt to trace a map of the interdisciplinary art community in Seydisfjordur at the present moment. […]

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Island Iceland offshore projekt

the Bookshop-Projectspace Opening Wednesday August 26 at 17.00 We, a group of 15 artists, fashion designers, writers and musicians were lucky to call Nielsenshs in Seyðisfjörður our temporal home over this summer of rain. Communal living and utopian ideas as an initial subject of interest was quickly translated into reality when we lived, cooked, cleaned, read and made works together in ever changing new formations and within spacial limitations. In weekly Basement Exhibitions that consistently explored one communal medium (Drawings, Photographs, Sculptures, Videos, Readings, Garden), we presented works to the local community. Our basement became a meeting point, a dance […]

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