Students from 2nd to 7th grade in Seyðisfjörður primary school worked in context with the festivals theme on the east side of Iceland which was Reindeer. They enjoyed a visit from Ólafur Örn Pétursson, an entrepreneur and a farmer at Skálanes farm, who informed the children of his knowledge of reindeers from working partly as a guide for the reindeer hunters. With these insightful informations the children worked under the guidance of Þorkell Helgason, wood shop teacher at the school, and Hanna Christel Sigurkarlsdottir, educational manager at Skaftfell. Their work will be shown at the Bookshop-Projectspace. The exhibition will also […]
Past program
Minimalist Composition (I+II)
Saturday and Sunday May 9-10, from 12.00-14.00 Minimalist Composition (I+II) is a mini field + studio workshop hosted by Canadian artist Reza Rezai. The focus of the workshop will be to develop a body of photographic work that incorporates the minimalist aesthetic and to discuss, give and receive feedback. Participants are required to bring their own camera (digital or analog). The workshop is free and open to all !