Due to cancellation the Skaftfell Residency Program now has an opening this coming April and May for artists to apply and come with short notice ! The residency available is a shared residency at Norðurgata in the old part of town and the flat will be shared with one other artist. The flat has two private bedrooms, bathroom with shower/bath, kitchen, a living room area with some studio/working facilities and wireless internet. The residency fee is 360 pr. month. If interested, please be in contact by email on residency@archive.skaftfell.is as soon as possible including a short motivation for coming, […]
Past program
Digital Craftsmanship
In September of 2014 the educational project Digital Craftsmanship was launched. The project emphasizes the union of creativity and sustainability and is designed for fifth, sixth and seventh graders in primary schools around the east fjords. Students are taught how to produce their own pigment and paint from locally found raw materials; stones, clay etc. They then transfer the colors into digital form using smart technology and create their own color pallet. The participants take on the role of researchers and carefully record and log each step of the process using photography that is swiftly shared through Twitter, online social […]