The Seyðisfjörður Workshop was a two week long workshop hosted by the Dieter Roth Academy for students from the fine art department at the Iceland Academy of the Arts. The workshop took place annually from 2001-2018 and was guided by Björn Roth and Kristján Steingrímur Jónsson.
During the workshop students were introduced to the practice of Swiss artist Dieter Roth and to the special surroundings that Seyðisfjörður has to offer. Skaftfell functioned as the main base during the workshop period, providing meeting and working space, where new artworks were produced. The workshop regularly concluded with an exhibition in the Skaftfell gallery.
Workshop collaborators: The Dieter Roth Academy, Iceland Academy of the Arts, The Technical Museum of East Iceland , Stálstjörnur, and various other local partners.

Previous workshops and exhibitions:
2018, All Paths Blocked
2017, Koma
2016, mars, NO SOLO
2014, nóvember, Soð
2014, mars, Veldi
2013, Trarappa
2012, Skáskegg á VHS+CD
2011, Annan hvern dag, á öðrum stað
2010, Hand Traffic In The Box
2009, Kippuhringur
2008, Harware/Sofware
2007, El Grillo
2006, Sleikjótindar
2005, Austrumu kontakts
2004, Rjómskip
2003, Akustinen Estetiikka
2002, Skaftfell, On the Rót – 80 dýr
2001, Skaftfell á Færi