Þriðjudag og miðvikudag, 28.-29. maí
Bókabúðin verður opin frá kl. 10:00-17:00.
Finissage miðvikudag 16:00-17:00.
Núverandi gestalistamenn Skaftfells, Ásdís Sif Gunnarsdóttir (IS), Manfred Hubmann (AT), and Yann Leguay (F), munu halda tveggja daga sýningu á verkum sínum í Bókabúðinni-verkefnarými.
Yann Leguay mun sýna The sailing stone. Verkið sýnir ferðalag steins sem er tekin frá Seyðisfirði, fluttur á fjarlægan stað og síðan skilað aftur á upphaflega staðsetningu.
During the early decades of 2000, a common stone from the Seydifjordur’s mountains side has disappeared during a bit more than a week. The story says that it has travelled more than 6000 km over the ocean to go back at its exact place few days later. Some people have seen this stone on the road to Egilsstadir by a sunny day, some other have seen it passing in Europe a bit later. This strange stone is located near the waterfall on the left side of the fjord, exactly at N 65° 17′ 9.398″ , O 13° 58′ 51.42.
During the course of my residency in Seyðisfjörður I am interested geological processes, the construction and shaping of landscapes and the forming and effects of these powers on surfaces and different materials.
Iceland is a fairly young landmass, geological and climatic activities make it possible to observe nature in its formation, almost like looking a sculptor over the shoulder.
Industrial architecture, human activities, the building of dams and roads have a strong impact on the formation and shaping of landscape as well and maybe there are even elves putting their hand to it.
I try to investigate and reflect these processes in my sculptures.