Kvikmyndasýning í Herðubreið – bíósal, 24:21 min. Stuttmynd Luke Fowler er hugleiðing um hvað getur orðið, hvað hefði getað orðið, hvað gæti enn orðið ef heimurinn myndi snúast í aðra átt. Depositions film time runs in many directions, as do arguments. Film made only recently can be easily confused with the archival vintage of washed-out or saturated tones and blurred edges. Only the disjunction between sounds that live close within the ear and rich voices from a fading past distinguish archive from present. Gradually the pieces converge: our nostalgia for ancient folkways, traditional song and the romance of freedom, all […]
Articles by: Tinna
Norska listakonan Nora Joung endursegir sögur sem styðjast við sögulegar staðreyndir, heimspekilegar vangaveltur og ljóðræna frásögn. Fyrir sýninguna Samkoma handan Norðanvinsins mun hún segja frá mismunandi virkni munnsins, menningarsögu hans, stúlku sem drukknaði og gúmmíbragði. „The rescue-Anne doll is said to be the most kissed face in the world. She is modelled after the death mask of a drowned teenager found floating in the river Seine. Though the pathologist ruled her death a suicide, an impish smile rested on her lips. After the death mask became popularised as a piece of decór, actresses took to modelling their look after it. For a […]